The questions we get asked the most
Below you will find answers to the questions we get the most, relating to things such as navigating the site, technical issues and your account/classes etc. Please check this list before contacting us but, as always, if you have any questions, or we can help you further, please contact us (, we are here to help! :)
Much Love from
Tam and the Willowing Arts Admin Team! :)
Where can I find my classes? – to find your classes please do the following:
1. Log into the site here: Site Log In
2. Click on the ‘Your Account’ tab (top right on page).
3. Scroll down and click on the class you want to access, to find the class content.

How do I change my password?
If you want to change your password, please first log in, then click on ‘my account’ in the top right hand corner of the page. Click on ‘account details’ and then fill in the password change details. (You can reset your email here: Lost your password?)
Where is my password reset email?
Please check your junk/spam/All Mail folders as sometimes these emails end up there. The reset emails can take up to 30 mins to arrive. You can reset your email here: Lost your password? If you are still having trouble receiving or reseting your password please contact us here:
How do I change my email address on this site?
1. Log into the site here: Site Log In
2. Click on the ‘Your Account’ tab (top right on page).
3. Scroll down and click on ‘account details’ tab.
4. Change your Email address and click on the ‘save changes’ button.
How do I download the class content?
Each class thread has information at the bottom of the page, please check your classes for this information.
How soon do I have access to the class I purchased?
Instantly! Once you’ve purchased the course you get immediate access to the content, simply log in above and click on ‘Your Account’ – and scroll down to see your purchase (and free) course listed! yay!
Which classes are suitable for beginners?
Pretty much all of Tam’s courses take you through the creation of the paintings step by step and go into great depth. So all classes are suitable for beginners though those who have no drawing experience may initially need to repeat the earlier steps frequently to become used to drawing. The only course that isn’t suitable for beginners (though could still be joined by a beginner as the content is mighty useful) is Ever After – as this has a segment that focuses mostly ‘style development’ which is more relevant to more established artists.
Where are previous years of Life Book and Ever After?
Previous years of Life Book and Ever After have not been transferred to the new site, as these courses did not offer life time access. You may have seen them on the ning site still, but they are there for admin reasons only; and they are still there at the moment if you need to download the videos/PDFs to keep.
For the new Life Book year (2018) we will be offering life time access to Life Book 2018 on the new web site when it is launched (yay!).
However please note that once we have completed the transfer of all members/courses to the new website and this site is fully functioning the ning site will be closed and previous Life Book and Ever After years will no longer be available online. So, if you have not downloaded all content from previous years, please do so soon :)
How do I advertise on the site?
Thank you for checking out about advertising with Willowing, we love that you have! :) We do still offer advertising and are currently working out how we will do this on this new site.
Please stay in touch as this will happen soon! If you have any more questions at all let us know and thanks again! :)
Where is the Willowing ATC swap now?
We are currently in the process of working out how and where the Willowing ATC swap and Inspiration Groups will be held. We will announce this soon :)
Where can I find out more about Tam?
Please check out this page here:
Where can I find out about and join the Willowing Arts Affiliate Program?
1. Log into the site here: Site Log In (Don’t have an account? Get one here!)
2. Click on the ‘Your Account’ tab (top right on page).
3. Scroll down and click on the ‘Affiliates’ Tab to join and find all things Willowing Affiliates related :)