Houses feature a lot in my work but they are rarely the focus. I have a special connection with houses, to me they represent: safety, warmth, connection, family, community and belonging. I have struggled with all these elements in my life while growing up, so it’s no wonder that houses often show up. I’ve explained before that much of my work is a subconscious (though now a lot more conscious, ha) attempt at recreating my childhood in a more positive way. Or even if work is not childhood related, it is of ten an attempt to create magical worlds where ‘all is well’. Worlds of safety, whimsy, magic and beauty. :)
I was in Scotland recently and ended up doing a bit of ‘landscape art’, which I enjoyed so much that I wanted to bring houses to the forefront more. Symbolically, this feels like I’m inviting more community and belonging into my life. :)
I’m thoroughly enjoying working on this little house conglomerations. :)