Argh guys, do you also sometimes just get totally stuck when it comes to painting and creating? I DO and it’s super frustrating and annoying! Luckily, I have a few ways to get out of my funk and I thought I’d share them with you today! :) Hope they help and if YOU have read more
Hallo beautifuls! In this post I will answer the questions I get asked most by email in an attempt to help people send me less emails! (Hee hee and of course: to help you all with your creative business endeavours, may all your creative dreams, soar and become true with stars, strawberries and cream on read more
Four years ago I turned 40 years old which I thought was a truly momentous occasion. I mean, to make it to 40 without even dying is a pretty spectacular feat in my books, ammirite my 40-something friends? Even though I felt nowhere near a successful adult (and still to this day find myself fumbling read more
Pellentesque ultrices enim quis suspicion convallis. Nullam et vehicula sapien.