Dear <<First Name>>, The process of self empathy plays a huge role in my personal healing journey. Those of you’ve who’ve been on Life Book with me for a while will have joined me for an art lesson that included some kind of version of self empathy. I think extending kindness, love and understanding to ourselves in times of read more
Wow! So many exciting and inspiring things to share with you this week! 😊 First up, I wanted to let you know that I was interviewed for this really cool event called the ‘Creative Arts Apothecary’ by the delightful Marina Tselner! On this summit, a variety of expert speakers from around the world will be revealing their techniques for unlocking read more
How is life in your corner of the world? I hope you’re keeping safe and grounded in these times of turmoil, if you’re struggling; I understand and hold you in my heart. I love you, I’m sorry. It’s hard, I know. Life continues to be difficult for many of us. The only way I know read more
How are you over there? Are you settling into the end of the 2021 year? To be honest with you: it’s all been a bit of a blur to me, still so much is going on with the pandemic and general turmoil; I’ve been pretty down/ blue with it all. At times I just want read more
I just had a coaching session with the amazing Sarah Peyton (she does trauma work) in which we discussed how sometimes we find vices that provide a sense of comfort that usually mothering provides. It was a fascinating session and reminded me how important it is to develop a practice of gentle self care that includes respectful self-connection and read more
How have you been doing since the Life Book Taster Sessions finished? Going through art withdrawal symptoms? I totally understand! When I don’t art for a while, I really feel it! Art withdrawal symptoms tend to manifest as feeling grumpy, ungrounded and stuck! Luckily there are always solutions to art withdrawal! Firstly; come join us on Life read more
NEW Episode: Finish A Journal! Yay!! Did you know that I have heaps and heaps of art journals? And did you know that pretty much NONE of them are fully finished/ filled up? Ha! It kinda breaks my heart when I go through my journals and it’s a mixed bag of ‘beautifully finished pages’ and ‘meh what is read more
The Beast. I spent 4 hours wrestling with this beast of a painting last night. It’s a beast because it’s large 20 x 20”, and it’s a beast because it was created on heavy, cradled (maple) wood board. It was also a beast because it fought me with a snarl, tooth and nail. You likely read more
Do you notice certain symbols suddenly popping up in your life and your art? I always think it’s a good idea to pay attention when they do. For me, it’s been the moon. The moon hasn’t previously played a big role in my life or my art, but lately, messages, insights, revelations connected to read more
Hey wonderful creative friends, here a little blog post about creating a (Tam) Dreamboard that helps you manifest your dreams and call into your life what you want more of. My version of the dream board is a bit different from the more traditional one (where you mostly and only cut out collage pieces and glue read more
Hi Guys! Welcome to a series we run on the blog called: Tea & Cake with Gracie :) My awesome friend and colleague Gracie Howle interviews inspiring artists and posts the interviews (including some free offers not published elsewhere before) here on the blog every 2 months or so. I love to create art and read more
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