Ever After 2018 – Registration Now Open! Yay! :D YOUR 20% OFF EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT CODE: MAGIC2018 Hello magical beings! Exciting times!!! Ever After is back! We are about to start another round of beautiful art making! Want to come make some magic with me?! I hope you do! And if your answer is: Yes read more
Hello magical creative friend! Abracadabra ziggidy zoo, ala kazam, bippity boppity BOO; iiiiiit’s BLOG HOP & Give Away Tiiiiime! :) Weeeee! :) Soooo, not long to go until Ever After 2018, my newest collaborative fairy-tale course will go on sale (15th May)! But before it does, we like to basically throw a mahoosive give-away arty read more
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