Lesson projects & themes:
- The Beacon of Light – Celebration of New Beginnings and setting an intention (includes main project: Creating your ‘Beacon of Light’ and warm up and colour theory lessons. Also includes ‘art bites for beginners and newbies’ which explains basic supplies and how they are used. Also includes an optional guided meditation)
- Celebration Jar – smaller bonus lesson (celebrate New Beginnings and Letting Go by creating a ‘Celebration Jar’)
- Affirmation Feather – smaller bonus lesson (affirm your intentions by creating an Affirmation Feather)
- Seeds of Love – Celebration of Closeness & Community in your Life (main project: Tam teaches you how to create her ‘whimsical florals/ natural elements’ using mixed media techniques. Plus an extra bonus ‘Value Contrast and Colour Theory Deepener’ lesson)
- Layers of Your Heart – Celebration & Gratitude (using mixed media, create your own ‘heart booklet’ to symbolise the gratitude you feel for many of the things/ beings/ people/ animals in your life.)
- It’s the Little Things – Honouring the Here Now (main project: create a 3/4 face, work with black and white, experiment with ‘intuitive creation’ and look at shape contrast. Optional extra ‘grounding’ meditation. Explore concepts like ‘grounding’, ‘honouring the little things in our lives’, ‘staying present to what is alive in you’ and bringing that into your journal page)
- ‘Paint An Apple’ – smaller bonus lesson (explore light and shadow and incorporate that into your painting)
- Magic, Vulnerability and Courage – Explore how to create a male portrait, calling upon your inner wizard (working with male archetypes)
- Layers of You – This is a paint over collage lesson in which we will explore the concepts of ‘needs’ and how they are the driving force for all of what we do. I will guide you through a self-empathy exercise which can be used to heal old pain. We will create a self-portrait through a ‘paint over collage’ method and embed our needs in the page.
- You are Wise – Working with the feminine archetype ‘The Wise Woman’, we will explore our deeper truths and knowns. We will tackle some limiting beliefs about ourselves here (like ‘I’m not good enough’) and we will call upon our inner Wise Woman to find out what is the actual truth about us. On our page we will create a character or animal in flight that ‘soars’ above our limiting beliefs in wisdom and joy.
- “If you could do anything…” what would it be? That will be the gateway into your playful self. We will explore how we play, IF we play, what we can do to create more PLAY. This exploration will inform our page which will be playful, colourful, intuitive and includes a profile portrait with a swan.
- Binding your Life Book – learn how to bind your pages into a book!
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