Life Book 2014 The Tam Edition


Life Book 2014 The Tam Edition
is now on Sale!

Join 12 in-depth mixed media art lessons by Tam from Life Book 2014! Themed around self-development and healing, Life Book 2014 The Tam Edition is a
 celebration and honouring of ‘self’. In 12 in-depth lessons you will learn a wide variety of mixed media techniques, creating loose mixed media art journal pages which you will then bind into a glorious journal (a Life Book)! Each lesson is approx 2-3 hours long. We hope you’ll come and join! :-)

The lessons are taken from Life Book 2014; Life Book 2014 was a 12 month course where Tam and 21 other art teachers shared their mixed media techniques, tips and tricks. Life Book 2014 has now finished but Tam’s lessons from Life Book 2014 have been put together for you here in this stand alone course Life Book 2014 The Tam Edition! – Packed with techniques, hints, tips and personal development exercises, this course is sure to enrich your knowledge, skill and life! :)

Here is a gallery of some of the projects we do on this course, hope you’ll join!



Life Book 2014 The Tam Edition

Course skill level: All

Lesson projects & themes: 

Lesson 1. Celebration of New Beginnings (includes main project: Creating your Inner Artist Guardian and a warm up and colour theory lesson – includes optional guided meditation)
Lesson 2. Celebration of Our Positive Qualities (includes drawing a side facing portrait and using spray inks. Added bonus: playing with composition and negative space)
Lesson 3. Celebrating your Positive Connections in Life (we create a portrait using Paint Over Collage technique)
Lesson 4. Tree of Life smaller bonus lesson (alludes to the interconnection of all life on our planet, and is
symbolic of the theme “Celebration of our Connections in Life”)
Lesson 5. A series of Quirky Animals (celebrate their (and your) imperfections, they -in fact- LOVE flaws because they think it makes life more interesting!)
Lesson 6. Honouring & Ritual (draw a beautiful, strong, mysterious Stag and experiment with bringing pattern into your work as a focal (or foreground) element rather than a background element)
Lesson 7. Healing & The Sacred (draw your Sacred Inner Eye and work with positive affirmations –  using spray inks – includes a optional guided meditation)
Lesson 8. Healing & Play (exploring intuition – includes various techniques using a variety of your art supplies)
Lesson 9. Celebration & Growth (celebrate your achievements using imagery – collage, paint, paint markers, salt and alcohol technique)
Lesson 10. Expressive Florals smaller bonus lesson (a fun bonus lesson using paint to create big colourful messy expressionist flowers)
Lesson 11. Celebration & Courage
Lesson 12. Binding your Life Book

  • All class content is downloadable
  • Type of course: self study – long course (4-12 weeks)
  • Video + PDF content
  • Life Long Access

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Ever After

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Life Book

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

