Art, Heart and Healing
Free Course! Come join us! :)
Art, Heart and Healing has been joined by over 5500+ people since it first aired in 2010!
This course came into existence in October 2010 after I received a lot of emails from people wishing to join my courses but were not able to do so due to financial limitations. I specifically received an email from a mother with a depressed daughter who thought her daughter could really benefit from one of my courses but they didn’t have the money to sign up. I was feeling torn about this. I thought about how sad it was that someone suffering was not able to have access to something that could potentially be life changing. So I decided to create a free offering for all those people needing the magic of art making in their lives but couldn’t find the funds to do so. In return, I asked people to promote me and my work on their blogs and Facebook pages etc which many people did for which I am still super grateful. I considered that a wonderful energy exchange.
I’m SO incredibly happy that so many people have found the course useful and inspiring. It is my greatest wish to provide life enriching content my tribe of groovy creatives! I hope you’ll join too! :D
Please note that though this free offering contains “healing” and “personal development” elements, the course is not created to replace therapy offered by medical professionals. If you have suffered trauma in your past, suffer from a mental health condition or know you need more in depth emotional support generally in your life; please take extra care around doing the personal development exercises on the course or choose to not do them that at all (many people don’t do them and focus on the art only). We urge you to only embark upon the deeper personal development exercises if you have a good support network around you of family, friends or a therapist who can help you and support you in case any of the exercises trigger you. Thank you for understanding. Big love. x
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