I Wrote a Book You Guys! :D
I wrote a book! I wrote a book!!! :D Can you believe it?! Let me tell you preabout how it happened! So, people have asked me for years if I would write a book, and I used to be reluctant as I’d seen many of my arty friends go through the process and let’s just say; it didn’t seem without stress. :) So I uhmmed and arrhed when I got the question, but when the fine people at Quarry approached me to write a book (OMG what an honour!), I could not say no!! They totally love everything I’ve been doing with Life Book and wanted there to be a book with the most popular Life Book projects in it!!!
So, I spent many months writing, arting, taking photographs, editing and designing to make the book! And true: it wasn’t without stress, but the people at Quarry made it as painless as possible!! :) I’m so SO proud of it! I can’t wait to share it with you guys! And you can now pre-order it on amazon.co.uk and on amazon.com!! It will officially come out/ be published in January 2018! So exciting!
Let me tell you a bit more about the book and what’s in it!
I poured all my love and soul into this baby. All the self love magic, the personal development knowledge I gained over the years, all my creative hints and tips are in this book and more, with beautiful photos and uplifting/ encouraging messages for you, you YOU <3. It’s all for you, you know? :D
More than anything in this world do I want to help LESSEN the suffering and I think it begins with me and you. By anchoring the light, by sticking with love, by feeling our feelings, by treating ourselves with gentle compassion as if you are your own precious, treasured child. This is where it all starts. And as always I love helping you do that through fun, meaningful and symbolic creative exercises!!
The book contains over 20 popular Life Book projects that each include a personal development exploration. 6 projects have been contributed by some of the beloved Life Book Teachers that have taught on Life Book on different years!
The amazing contributing artists in this book are:
Ivy Newport
Andrea Gomoll
Alena Hennessy
Roxanne Coble
Mystele Kirkeeng
Effy Wild
We combined the most popular and meaningful Life Book projects in this book. I’m so proud of it, so proud to see 7 years of creative and healing work wrapped up in this book like a precious gift. I hope it will enrich your life! :)
You can now pre-order the book on
amazon.co.uk here
amazon.com here
I know many of you have actually already pre-ordered it, thank you so much!!! I’m over the moon with joy that this book will be in the world!! I can’t wait to hold a copy in my own hands!! :D
Thanks for being on this journey with me.
Much love,
Tam x